This now starts looking like writing a simple python script using basic CCTBX functionality is most optimal option.. I'm attaching the script that does it. 'result' object contains all you need. Just format its content the way you like.


On 6/26/18 06:42, CPMAS Chen wrote:

I used the bash scripts you two provided. It works great. 

A further question, how do I extract the output summary of the molprobity results from all 100 files into a single file. Ideally, I would like to make the data into a table. 

Appreciate your help!

=================================== Summary ===================================

  Ramachandran outliers =   0.38 %
                favored =  95.27 %
  Rotamer outliers      =   0.00 %
  C-beta deviations     =    10
  Clashscore            = 184.98
  RMS(bonds)            =   0.0193
  RMS(angles)           =   2.77
  MolProbity score      =   3.06

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 5:32 PM Oleg Sobolev <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Charles,

I would use any scripting language you are familiar with - python, bash, csh. Here is a bash script adapted from

for file in *.pdb
  echo $file
  phenix.molprobity "$file" > "$file"_results.txt

On mac - make a file mpscript put it in a directory with your .pdb, then run
chmod a+x mpscript

Hope it helps.

Best regards,
Oleg Sobolev.

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 1:39 PM, CPMAS Chen <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi, All,

I have about 100 structures needs be validated and optimized. what will be a fast way to do so? Can I somehow put phenix.molprobity in a circle?




Charles Chen

Research Instructor

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Department of Anesthesiology


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Charles Chen

Research Instructor

University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Department of Anesthesiology


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