Here is an interesting discussion on ligand refinement in PHENIX Tom Huxford. On Feb 17, 2010, at 7:49 AM, Pavel Afonine wrote:
Hi Christian,
a possible solution using the command line:
1) take your PDB file with all the ligands,
2) create a CIF file:
phenix.ready_set model.pdb
3) edit *.eff file to specify correct input file names for model, data, CIF file (and other parameters if necessary) and run phenix.refine as following:
phenix.refine my_file.eff --overwrite
If it still give you that error message then you may need to send us your PDB file so we can fix the problem. Meanwhile you can try running your refinement without H atoms:
- remove H:
phenix.reduce model.pdb > model_noH.pdb
- run refinement as above.
On 2/17/10 8:58 AM, Christian Roth wrote:
Dear all,
I started a refinement of one of my structures using the GUI of phenix (Version 1.6). I used the options of adding hydrogens and dis a suimulated annealing. I used the output file and corrected it manually using Coot. I incorporated a few Ethylenglycol Monomers which might have bound. I merged everything wrote the file out and loaded this pdb in the GUI. I got an error which might be du to the fact that I didnt specify a CIF file for the ligand. I started ready set from the GUI to check the pdb and used REEL to create a CIF File. I added the CIF-File to the File list and tried to start again phenix.refine using the hydrogen option but no sim. annealing. However I got always the following error log:
# Date 2010-02-17 Time 12:00:35 CET +0100 (1266404435.31 s) #phil __OFF__
Command line arguments: "/homes/roth/clcf/049b32mlsyncref/phenix/phenix/project_data/ refine_15.eff" "-- overwrite"
HOST = bbzws339 HOSTTYPE = i486-linux VENDOR = intel USER = roth PID = 29983
---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- PHENIX: Python-based Hierarchical ENvironment for Integrated Xtallography Version: 1.6 Release tag: 289 Platform: intel-linux-2.6 linux User: roth ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
phenix.refine: Macromolecular Structure Refinement
Monomer Library directory: "/software/linuxsoft/phenix-1.6-289/chem_data/mon_lib" Total number of atoms: 16881 Number of models: 1 Model: "" Number of chains: 19 Chain: "A" Number of atoms: 1575 Number of conformers: 1 Conformer: "" Number of residues, atoms: 94, 1575 Classifications: {'peptide': 94} Modifications used: {'COO': 1, 'NH3': 1} Link IDs: {'PTRANS': 6, 'TRANS': 87} and so on for other chains Chain: "R" Number of atoms: 7 Number of conformers: 1 Conformer: "" Number of residues, atoms: 1, 7 Unusual residues: {'EDO': 1} Unexpected atoms: {'EDO,HO1': 1, 'EDO,HO2': 1} Classifications: {'undetermined': 1} Number of atoms with unknown nonbonded energy type symbols: 16 "HETATM16821 HO2 EDO K 1 .*. H " "HETATM16826 HO1 EDO K 1 .*. H " "HETATM16828 HO2 EDO L 1 .*. H " "HETATM16834 HO1 EDO L 1 .*. H " "HETATM16836 HO2 EDO M 1 .*. H " "HETATM16840 HO1 EDO M 1 .*. H " "HETATM16842 HO2 EDO N 1 .*. H " "HETATM16848 HO1 EDO N 1 .*. H " "HETATM16850 HO2 EDO O 1 .*. H " "HETATM16857 HO1 EDO O 1 .*. H " ... (remaining 6 not shown)
I looked in the pdb for this atoms, but I cannot find them. When I use a cif file created directly by phenix elbow using command line and when I did not use the update hydrogen button the refinement works. But the new residues as well as the EDO molecules have no hydrogens in riding positions. Do I have to remove all hydrogens and attach them again for every cycle? One Refinement runs for more then 5 hours regardless I use sim annealing or not. This seems to be very long for me. Maybe I want too many optimization steps?
Could anyone explain me what goes wrong here. I am no so much experienced with phenix and now I run out of ideas. Thanks in advance Christian
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_______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list [email protected] http://phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb
---------------------- Tom Huxford. Structural Biochemistry Laboratory Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry San Diego State University (619) 594-1606