The MAX IV facility, the largest and most ambitious Swedish investment in research infrastructure, will be the brightest source of x-rays worldwide and will replace the existing laboratory, which today consists of the storage rings MAX I, II and III. The new MAX IV facility will become operational in June 2016. To extend the suite of already funded beamlines, MAX IV Laboratory is planning the next set of beam lines. Therefore The MAX IV laboratory in Lund has opened two positions within the life-science division. We are looking for two beamline scientists, one for the biomedical imaging beamline MEDMAX and one for the microfocus beamline MicroMAX. For both these positions the scientist will be overseeing the development, construction and commissioning of the MedMAX, respectively MicroMAX beamline from its conceptual stage to full operation. Both beam lines are planned to be cutting edge beam lines, fully exploiting the excellent properties of the MAX IV 3GeV storage ring. In addition we are also looking for a software engineer to be engaged in the design of the MX software infrastructure at the beamline for protein crystallography which is under construction, BioMAX. More information on these positions can be found at https://www.maxlab.lu.se/positions and the links within this page, or from our Life-Sciences director Tomas Lundqvist . best regards Marjolein Thunnissen [cid:3A2194AC-734C-45EB-B5A7-CE7FC0F0F1BC] Marjolein Thunnissen Science Coordinator MX MAX IV Laboratory Lund University P.O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden Visiting address: Ole Römers väg 1, 223 63 Lund Telephone: +46 766 32 04 17 www.maxlab.lu.sehttp://www.maxlab.lu.se/