27 Jul
27 Jul
3:15 p.m.
Hi! I am running phenix 1.6.2-432 on a set of systems running 32-bit version of fedora-12. The latest version of phenix (1.6.3-473) has binaries mostly for 64-bit OS. The only 32-bit OS I see is fedora-3. I would be happy to switch to 64-bit OS one day, but HKL2000 that runs on the same computers has a big warning about instability of it on the 64-bit (it is dated back to 2005!) Coot is also crashing on the the 64-bit test system, so I have to stay with 32-bit for now. Does anybody know if fc-3 version would run on f-12? Would it be possible to have 32-bit version built for f-12 or f-13? Thanks, Leon