Hi Tom, thank you for your reply. Still, the first question remains, if a model has two identical copies, but the sequence is for a monomer, what number of copies should I use: of model or of monomers? Maia Thomas C. Terwilliger wrote:
Hi Maia,
This is the example from the website:
Run AutoMR using coords.pdb as search model, native.sca as data, assume RMS between coords.pdb and true model is about 0.85 A, the sequence of true model is seq.dat and there is 1 copy in the unit cell:
phenix.automr coords.pdb native.sca RMS=0.85 seq.dat copies=1 \ n_cycle_rebuild_max=2 n_cycle_build_max=2
1. 1 copy of what: model.pdb or seq.dat? Model.pdb could be a dimer and seq.dat a monomer.
In this example we are assuming that model.pdb is a monomer and seq.dat is the sequence of that monomer.
2. 1 copy in the unit cell. Is it really in the unit cell? Usually we use number of copies in the asymmetric unit.
That one is a very bad typo. Yes, I meant one in the asymmetric unit. I have just fixed that in the documentation...
All the best, Tom T
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