I don't know if this helps but you have TER cards in the middle of chains E and G. This might be confusing the program.

Good Luck,

Katherine Sippel

Postdoctoral Associate
Baylor College of Medicine

On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Haytham Wahba <haytham_wahba@yahoo.com> wrote:

Version: 1.7
  Release tag: 650
  Platform: intel-linux-2.6-x86_64 linux
  User: haytham

why phenix does not recognise ACT, PO4 Sn and Br (unusual residue) as you see in this part in the Log file.. (see below)

Chain: "C"
      Number of atoms: 4
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 4
          Unusual residues: {'ACT': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
    Chain: "C"
      Number of atoms: 4
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 4
          Unusual residues: {'ACT': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
    Chain: "E"
      Number of atoms: 1
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 1
          Unusual residues: {' SN': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
    Chain: "E"
      Number of atoms: 1
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 1
          Unusual residues: {' SN': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
    Chain: "F"
      Number of atoms: 1
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 1
          Unusual residues: {' SN': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
    Chain: "G"
      Number of atoms: 5
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 5
          Unusual residues: {'PO4': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
    Chain: "G"
      Number of atoms: 5
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 5
          Unusual residues: {'PO4': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
    Chain: "H"
      Number of atoms: 1
      Number of conformers: 1
      Conformer: ""
        Number of residues, atoms: 1, 1
          Unusual residues: {' BR': 1}
          Classifications: {'undetermined': 1}
  Residues with excluded nonbonded symmetry interactions: 2
      pdb=" SN   SN E   1 " occ=0.70
      pdb=" SN   SN E   2 " occ=0.20
when i try to refine specially the Tin atom (not other, ACT,...) in coot after phenix.refine. coot display ((no restraints Found,...lablabla))


this is the PDB (what is the wrong with that)
HETATM 3552  O   HOH S 361      11.670  -4.327   9.559  1.00 34.14           O 
TER    3553      HOH S 361                                                     
HETATM 3554  OXT ACT C   1      10.133  -3.417   7.937  1.00 20.00           O 
HETATM 3555  C   ACT C   1       9.911  -2.331   7.357  1.00 20.00           C 
HETATM 3556  O   ACT C   1      10.897  -1.607   7.183  1.00 20.00           O 
HETATM 3557  CH3 ACT C   1       8.550  -1.912   6.905  1.00 20.00           C
TER    3558      ACT C   1
HETATM 3559  OXT ACT C   2      10.700  -2.628   9.985  1.00 20.00           O 
HETATM 3560  C   ACT C   2      10.962  -1.952  11.000  1.00 20.00           C 
HETATM 3561  O   ACT C   2      11.756  -2.461  11.809  1.00 20.00           O 
HETATM 3562  CH3 ACT C   2      10.364  -0.601  11.240  1.00 20.00           C
TER    3563      ACT C   2
HETATM 3564  SN   SN E   1       6.346  -4.396 -16.894  0.70 20.00          SN
TER    3565       SN E   1
HETATM 3566  SN   SN E   2       6.492  -2.146 -14.779  0.20 20.00          SN
TER    3567       SN E   2
HETATM 3568  SN   SN F   1      10.186   0.632   6.366  1.00 30.00          SN
TER    3569       SN F   1
HETATM 3570  P   PO4 G   1       5.763  10.047  -3.974  1.00 30.00           P 
HETATM 3571  O1  PO4 G   1       6.960  10.924  -4.190  1.00 30.00           O 
HETATM 3572  O2  PO4 G   1       4.531  10.872  -4.101  1.00 30.00           O 
HETATM 3573  O3  PO4 G   1       5.758   8.978  -5.017  1.00 30.00           O 
HETATM 3574  O4  PO4 G   1       5.835   9.456  -2.607  1.00 30.00           O
TER    3575      PO4 G   1
HETATM 3576  P   PO4 G   2       9.060  -4.976 -17.812  1.00 30.00           P 
HETATM 3577  O1  PO4 G   2      10.418  -5.179 -18.415  1.00 30.00           O 
HETATM 3578  O2  PO4 G   2       8.223  -4.116 -18.710  1.00 30.00           O 
HETATM 3579  O3  PO4 G   2       8.412  -6.316 -17.597  1.00 30.00           O 
HETATM 3580  O4  PO4 G   2       9.172  -4.280 -16.485  1.00 30.00           O
TER    3581      PO4 G   2
HETATM 3582  BR   BR H   1       9.484  11.317 -29.959  1.00 20.00          BR
TER    3583       BR H   1

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