An "official" announcement and a detailed description on how to run phenix.polder will come soon. However, here is some more information for those who already want to try the tool.
Polder calculates omit maps by excluding the bulk solvent mask to flood into the area of the atom selection. So they might be effective for atom selections in binding pockets and around the surface of the protein. Atom selection can be f.ex. a ligand or a protein residue.
How to run: phenix.polder model.pdb data.mtz selection="chain A and resseq 123"
The selection should be one ligand or one residue. I do not recommend choosing a very large selection, such as several ligands or large number of residues at once.
To look at the map, open "polder_map_coeffs.mtz" (which has been created by polder) in COOT, using the "Open MTZ, mmCIF, fcf or phs" option, and by checking the box "Is a difference map". Then choose map coefficients "mFo-DFc_polder" and corresponding phases.
If you want to compare to an omit map which has been calculated by deleting the atom selection from the model, open "mFo-DFc_omit".
Let me know if you have questions.
Best wishes,