On Tue, 9 May 2006, Andrzej LYSKOWSKI wrote:
I have one question and one problem.
TEXTAL expects map in X-PLOR format but what kind of map? One can make a number of different maps in CCP4 (simple, mFo-nFc, etc.). Which type make TEXTAL happy?
Textal can deal with simple maps, back-transformed (Fc), and 2Fo-Fc maps. One can also make such maps with phenix.refine, textal.makemap, or various map-making tasks in the phenix GUI
I've tried to run 'Build Complete Model from map' strategy and what ever I do it seems to get stuck at: Stitching and Filtering C-alpha chains... - simply nothing happens anymore. What could be a problem? Just to mention it does build a model when I use '... from mtz' strategy.
Is it possible to get the log up to this point? Also, are there any error messages in the terminal window where you started phenix? Could you also try running this same map through textal.from_map (textal.from_map my.xplor)? Thanks Erik