Dear all, I would like to know how the estimated coordinate error is calculated in phenix.refine, the one that is written on the pdb file as "ML based". I'm asking due to the following: For example if I am comparing two different models (structures determined at 2.1 and 2 Angstroms) but one does have a coordinate error estimate of 0.25 Angstroms and the other one of 0.6, respectively. Is the first model more reliable? The second one is reliable too but my question points towards how conservative or how more conservative should I be when describing distances , potential H bonds, coordination. Despite those different numbers in estimated coordinate error, the electron density maps look very similar or almost the same for both structures, very clear and complete at 2 Angstroms. That's why I was somehow surprised to find these difference. Thank you very much in advance Best Almudena -- Dr. Almudena Ponce-Salvatierra EMBL-European Molecular Biology Laboratory 71, avenue des Martyrs - CS 90181 F - 38042 Grenoble Cedex 9