Dear all, I get the same error message as Thomas and I would appreciate any help about this issue. I am currently running : Phenix: 1.6-1692 Rosetta: 2015.19.57819 Thanks, Etienne Le 28/05/2015 20:59, Klose, Thomas a écrit :
Dear all,
I was trying to set up phenix.rosetta_refine to test it for the refinement of a 4.5Å structure. I installed the latest phenix release and compiled the latest rosetta version (2015.19) using rosetta.build_phenix_interface. However, when I try to run phenix.rosetta_refine I get the following error message:
…. Generating 5 models on 4 processors...
DEBUG dumping error message ERROR: Rosetta exited with status 1 stderr output: Sorry:
Wrong map type requested: %%map_type%% Allowed format is: [p][m]Fo+[q][D]Fc[kick][filled] where [p] and [q] are any numbers (optional), [m] and [D] indicate if the requested map is sigmaa (optional), Fo and Fc are Fobs and Fcalc, [kick] is for Average Kick Map (optional), [filled] is for missing Fobs filled map. Examples: 2mFo-DFc, 3.2Fo-2.3Fc, mFobs-DFcalc_kick, 2mFobs-DFcalc_filled, Fc, 2mFobs-DFcalc_kick_fill, anom, anom_diff, anomalous_difference, Fo
ERROR: PhenixInterface::calculateDensityMap() : error writing map ERROR:: Exit from: src/core/scoring/cryst/PhenixInterface.cc line: 1122
This happens with our actual data as well as test data that I downloaded (PDB: 1yip).
Any help in solving this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Thomas
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