Hi Jianghai,
I am refining a low resolution huge protein structure. There are about 20% residues in the disallowed region of ramachandran plot. Is there a way in phenix.refine to refine the phi, psi angles to get a better ramachandran plot? or a phi, psi restraints in refinement?
If you add discard_psi_phi=False to the phenix.refine command line the psi and phi dihedral angles are restraint according to the CCP4 monomer library definitions in mon_lib_list.cif (run phenix.where_mon_lib_list_cif to get the full path name). Look for data_link_TRANS and data_link_CIS, scroll down to _chem_link_tor.value_angle, to see the restraint definitions. We don't have much experience using the phi, psi restraints. If you don't mind, please let us know how it goes! Ralf