may be of interest

> Dear community,
> The protein model I am refining has 400 amino acids (3320 atoms).
> Some real quick calculations tell me that to properly refine it
> anisotropically, I would need 119,520 observations. Given my unit-cell
> dimension and space-group it is equivalent to about a 1.24 A complete
> data set.
> However, I have had a couple of cases where anisotropic B-factor
> refinement significantly improved R-work and R-free, while maintaining a
> reasonable R-gap, for lower resolution models (1.4-1.5 A, around 70,000
> reflections). What is the proper way of modelling the B-factors?
> Any thoughts/opinions/call-outs from the community are welcome.
> Cheers,
> --
> Yuri Pompeu
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Edwin Pozharski, PhD
University of Maryland, Baltimore