Hi, I am accessing our linux server (where phenix sits) via Exceed X server from Windows machine, and everything used to work fine until recent (I think from v.1-5-2) versions of phenix. Now if I launch new GUI, mouse position is not recognised anymore not only by phenix, but then also by other programs - so if I click on something, something else completely gets activated. I did not change any Exceed settings, so the problem seems to be due to phenix. Also, same thing happens with Xming server. If I access from Mac machine, everything seems to be OK. Has anybody seen it and what could be the reason for that? Thanks! -- Dr. Leonid A. Sazanov Research group leader Medical Research Council Mitochondrial Biology Unit Wellcome Trust / MRC Building Hills Road Cambridge CB2 0XY WEB: www.mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk Tel: +44-1223-252910 Fax: +44-1223-252915