Hi Nathaniel,
I am developing my own MR code. I want to use the maximum-likelihood score
in phenix as part of an assessment score for the final placed models. Soon
I will write my own code to calculate the maximum-likelihood score. Not
having to input a fasta file or rmsd is ok, I just that that it was
mandatory, since there are terms for estimated coordinate error and
incompleteness of the structure in maximum-likelihood score. You were
right, I did accidentally use phenix.phaser instead of phenix.python. When
I use phenix.python score.py file.pdb file.mtz (not the actual file paths)
I get the following error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "score.py", line 22, in <module>
File "score.py", line 9, in run
cmdline = mmtbx.command_line.load_model_and_data(
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'load_model_and_data'
On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Nathaniel Echols
On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 3:28 PM, Jouko Virtanen
wrote: Thank Nathaniel. I am still confused. Do you intend me to copy and paste the script that you included to a file called score.py. When I did that I got the following error message
Syntax error: expected "=", found "__future__" (file "score.py", line 1) Sorry: score.py is not a valid parameter file.
That's the kind of error message I'd expect if you ran "phenix.refine score.py" instead of "phenix.python score.py".
What are the inputs? I would think that at a minimum I would have to
input a pdb file, mtz file, fasta file, and an estimate for the rmsd.
You would definitely need a PDB file and MTZ file - those will just be additional command-line arguments. The script I sent you does not require a sequence or estimated RMSD; it also assumes that the model is already placed correctly in the unit cell. Phaser does require the sequence and RMSD, however; is that what you really wanted to use? If you actually need to place the model you might as well just run the full Phaser MR_AUTO mode; otherwise you can use the MR_RNP mode. I had expected to be able to do it like this:
phenix.phaser model.pdb data.mtz seq.fa model_rmsd=1.0 phaser.mode=MR_RNP
although that crashes, which I guess may be a bug. There are other ways to get the same information but it is not clear what exactly you're trying to do.