Dear Pavel, find attached the requested output. CRYST card from refined pdb file CRYST1 175.170 67.236 119.246 90.00 121.42 90.00 C 1 2 1 phenix.mtz.maps test.map > Title: None Space group symbol from file: C2 Space group number from file: 5 Space group from matrices: C 1 2 1 (No. 5) Point group symbol from file: 2 Number of crystals: 2 Number of Miller indices: 40081 Resolution range: 101.452 2.52205 History: Crystal 1: Name: HKL_base Project: HKL_base Id: 0 Unit cell: (175.093, 67.251, 119.05, 90, 121.55, 90) Number of datasets: 1 Dataset 1: Name: HKL_base Id: 0 Wavelength: 0 Number of columns: 0 Crystal 2: Name: crystal Project: project Id: 2 Unit cell: (175.093, 67.251, 119.05, 90, 121.55, 90) Number of datasets: 1 Dataset 1: Name: dataset Id: 1 Wavelength: 1 Number of columns: 13 I made sure that this file is indeed the one being read by the .def file. best wishes Michael On 04/20/2011 08:36 PM, Pavel Afonine wrote:
Hi Michael,
phenix.refine should take crystal symmetry from data file if there is a choice between PDB file and data file.
Did you mean phenix.mtz.dump? Can you send the output of
phenix.mtz.dump data.mtz
command, and CRYST1 record from PDB file as Nat asked?
On 4/20/11 3:36 PM, Michael Hothorn wrote:
Dear all,
I am sure there is a simple explanation for this, but I cannot find a solution. I am reading in an .mtz file in phenix.refine. mtzdump reports the following unit cell constants on the file test.mtz itself:
175.0930 67.2510 119.0500 90.0000 121.5500 90.0000
The refined .pdb file and .maps report however a slightly different unit cell, as does the logfile
snip Miller array info: test.mtz:FP,SIGFP Observation type: xray.amplitude Type of data: double, size=39702 Type of sigmas: double, size=39702 Number of Miller indices: 39702 Anomalous flag: False Unit cell: (175.17, 67.236, 119.246, 90, 121.416, 90)
What am I missing?
Thanks! Michael
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