Dear phenix developers, I have found that QM calculations in phenix.elbow fail due to an error: *bad fp number.* I've found the source of the error in phenix-1.14-3260/modules/elbow/elbow/quantum/run_utils.py at line 11: easy_run.call('./%s.csh >& /dev/null' % project) should be : easy_run.call('./%s.csh 2>&1 /dev/null' % project) Also jaguar template (phenix-1.14-3260/modules/elbow/Jaguar.csh) is a bit outdated. For $SCHRODINGER/jaguar paramether -PROC was replaced by -PARALLEL also, it seems that programs seeks for wrong input file. So I suggest that: $SCHRODINGER/jaguar run -PROCS %d -WAIT $PROJECT should look like: $SCHRODINGER/jaguar run -PARALLEL %d -WAIT $PROJECT.in Can you please fix this issues in next releases? -- Evgenii Osipov Laboratory for Biocrystallography, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, KU Leuven O&N2