Dear All,

I have done the SF-Tool check for my protein crystal structure, and the result is as following. My 3 questions are (1) What does the following mean and how to solve the problem "Error! No labels are written for MTZ to mmCIF conversion Structure factor conversion is done?"  (2)Where there is no "Calculated phenix R_factor(all data)"? (3) Where there is no "Correlation (Fo-Fc)"?

I am looking forward to getting your reply.


Error! No labels are written for MTZ to mmCIF conversion Structure factor conversion is done.
Header of the mtz file can be seen from here
Click here to see the converted mmCIF file

Checking Xray Data by PHENIX (model_vs_data) ...
PHENIX (model_vs_data) is done.

Checking structure factor quality ...
PHENIX.xtriage is done.

Summary of Results (XXXX : )

High resolution 2.8292.83
Low resolution 50.93750.94
Number of Reflection 1744617446
Completeness 99.98100.0
R_factor (all data) 0.2134?
R_factor (work set) 0.21060.2093
R_free 0.26680.2667
Correlation (Fo-Fc) ??