Groups of input data: [1]
NOTE: Deleting group 1 which has no data...
closing overall log AutoSol_run_2_/AutoSol_run_2_1.log
List of all anomalous datasets in HG_28_scala3.mtz
'F_28(+) SIGF_28(+) F_28(-) SIGF_28(-)'
'I_28(+) SIGI_28(+) I_28(-) SIGI_28(-)'
List of all datasets in HG_28_scala3.mtz
'F_28 SIGF_28'
'F_28(+) SIGF_28(+) F_28(-) SIGF_28(-)'
'I_28(+) SIGI_28(+) I_28(-) SIGI_28(-)'
List of all individual labels in HG_28_scala3.mtz
Suggested uses:
USE: autosol data file
labels='F_28(+) SIGF_28(+) F_28(-) SIGF_28(-)'
(program labels: ['I/F', 'sigI/sigF', 'I/F-', 'sigI/sigF-'])
(suggested list: ['F_28(+)', 'SIGF_28(+)', 'F_28(-)', 'SIGF_28(-)'])
USE: autosol data file
labels='I_28(+) SIGI_28(+) I_28(-) SIGI_28(-)'
(program labels: ['I/F', 'sigI/sigF', 'I/F-', 'sigI/sigF-'])
(suggested list: ['I_28(+)', 'SIGI_28(+)', 'I_28(-)', 'SIGI_28(-)'])
USE: autobuild/ligandfit/automr datafile
input_labels='F_28 SIGF_28 None None None None None None FreeR_flag'
(program labels: ['FP', 'SIGFP', 'PHIB', 'FOM', 'HLA', 'HLB', 'HLC', 'HLD', 'FreeR_flag'])
(suggested list: ['F_28', 'SIGF_28', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'None', 'FreeR_flag'])
USE: autosol/autobuild refinement file
input_refinement_labels='F_28 SIGF_28 FreeR_flag'
(program labels: ['FP', 'SIGFP', 'FreeR_flag'])
(suggested list: ['F_28', 'SIGF_28', 'FreeR_flag'])
USE: autobuild map file
input_map_labels='F_28 None None'
(program labels: ['FP', 'PHIB', 'FOM'])
(suggested list: ['F_28', 'None', 'None'])
USE: automr labels to pass to autobuild
input_label_string ='F_28 SIGF_28'
(program labels: ['I/F', 'sigI/sigF'])
(suggested list: ['F_28', 'SIGF_28'])
USE: automr labels to pass to autobuild
input_label_string ='IMEAN_28 SIGIMEAN_28'
(program labels: ['I/F', 'sigI/sigF'])
(suggested list: ['IMEAN_28', 'SIGIMEAN_28'])
Seems obvious but I can't solve it.
On 2 Jun 2011, at 14:32, Thomas C. Terwilliger wrote: