Hi Andrea,
Yes the mask optimisation worked. Just not with the desired outcome...
Thanks, Kay
15.03.2024 22:17:14 Andrea Smith
Hi Kay,
I checked the log files and yes, it seems that it did the optimization:
|-Mask optimization: start----------------------------------------------------| | Solvent (probe) radius= 1.10 Shrink truncation radius= 0.90 | | all data: 500 lowest resolution reflections: | | r_work= 0.1640 r_free= 0.1843 r_work= 0.5012 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
r_solv= 0.00 r_shrink= 0.00 r_work=0.1971 r_free=0.2188 r_work_low=0.5809 r_solv= 0.10 r_shrink= 0.00 r_work=0.1912 r_free=0.2126 r_work_low=0.5665 r_solv= 0.20 r_shrink= 0.00 r_work=0.1846 r_free=0.2054 r_work_low=0.5571 r_solv= 0.30 r_shrink= 0.00 r_work=0.1780 r_free=0.1985 r_work_low=0.5402 ...
Best, Andrea
On Friday, March 15, 2024 09:01 CET, Kay Diederichs
wrote: Hi Andrea,
hmm, did phenix.refine actually use optimize_mask=true ?
If you compare the logfiles of phenix.refine (for the default run with opimize_mask=false, and the new run with optimize_mask=true) side-by-side with xxdiff or vimdiff (yes this needs to be run from a command-line) then there should be a difference.
Making peace with the red blobs is somewhat unsatisfactory from a technical viewpoint, but probably not relevant from a biological one.
I'd guess that the authors of https://journals.iucr.org/a/issues/2024/02/00/pl5035/index.html would be interested to look at your case ...
Best wishes, Kay
Am 15.03.24 um 08:27 schrieb Andrea Smith:
Hi Kay,
I tried the mask optimization and there is no change in how the final map looks like.
Should I just make peace with it?
Best, Andrea
On Thursday, March 14, 2024 23:11 CET, Kay Diederichs
wrote: Hi Andrea,
in your case, phenix.refine seems to fill bulk solvent into volumes that are not actually filled by solvent. It might help to optimize the mask, see https://phenix-online.org/documentation/reference/refinement.html#bulk-solve... "6. Mask parameters".
Best, Kay -- Kay Diederichs http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de email: [email protected] Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz
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-- Kay Diederichs http://strucbio.biologie.uni-konstanz.de email: [email protected] Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz
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