Hi all, I currently have a dataset that scales well in C2. (a = 224,b = 129,c = 392. beta= 94.5 degrees). Previously, I had thought that these crystals were in P6322 (posted this a few months ago), but I've since grown better crystals, where the beta angle is now 94.5, and not close to 90.0. I'm reasonably confident with the scaling - however, it has always been really difficult to index these crystals in HKL2000. Like the previous crystals, this new C2 dataset looks like it might be perfectly twinned, based on Xtriage's L test. I've solved the structure by MR, and refined it to 3.0 angstroms to R=30%, Rfree=33%, but I am running out of things to fix. I'd like to perform twinning refinement, based on this Xtriage L test result. The problem is that Xtriage cannot find any pseudomerohedral twinning laws, likely because the beta angle is too far from 90 degrees?? For kicks and giggles, I started to enter arbitrary beta angles in Xtriage, and at a beta angle below 93.4, Xtriage can find two twinning laws (closer to 90 degrees, Xtriage can find 5 twin laws). Using "-1/2*h+3/2*k, 1/2*h+1/2*k, -l" in Phenix refine (the beta angle is still 94.5 degrees, I haven't changed this) results in the R and Rfree dropping a lot to 25.5 and 28.6, respectively. Used the same random seed as previous runs to generate the test set from the scalepack file, with the "use lattice symmetry to generate test set" flag enabled. The maps look a lot noisier. So my questions are: 1. Is this twinning refinement valid? I'm really thinking no - since the maps didn't improve. Suppose the maps didn't get worse though - would this twinning refinement then be valid? 2. How do I go about reindexing this dataset in I2? i.e. to see if the beta angle with this unit cell selection is closer to 90 degrees. Would this even help, with respect to pseudomerohedral twinning refinement? Thanks!