I have some basic questions about the output from Phenix. Basically I have a data set that gave a solution, but I am not exactly sure how to tell about the quality of the solution from the outputs. The overall score is 110. I am not sure exactly what that refers to or how good/bad it is. I have attached the AutoSol.output file. Any basic suggestions at what I should be looking at, or if this is even the right file, would be helpful. The resolve.mtz and resolve.pdb look alright. They are a good start, but much improvement is needed. If anyone has some suggestions as to how to improve the output, that would also be helpful. I have also run the data through solve/resolve through the command prompt and it repeatedly locates four heavy atom sites (the data set is SAD). Yet, when Phenix is used, 16 sites are found. Why the difference and how do I tell what is working better and why. Thank you, Angela Hoffort