Hi Pavel,

Thank you, I have also tried COOT but I wanted to know whether anyone had used (with success ) other similar tools.

Why? Mostly curiosity :) but also to do a comparison I guess of performance.

Thank you, I will check some of the others you have mentioned.


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:29 AM, Pavel Afonine <pafonine@lbl.gov> wrote:
Hi George,

as far as I know phenix.real_space_refine is the only user-exposed real-space refinement utility in Phenix. You can think of Tom's morphing as a kind of real-space refinement (phenix.morph_model). Also, you can think of mmtbx.lockit as a simplest version of phenix.real_space_refine.

Outside Phenix I would say Coot, Chimera, HermiteFit, ... there are many more and Google is your friend to find them.

Just curious: why?


On 7/28/14, 9:19 AM, George Devaniranjan wrote:

I know this is going to sound blasphemous in phenix (my apology particularly to Pavel) but is there other s/w that does similar things to phenix.real_space_refine ?

I used that already (works very well) but was wondering if there was anything similar out there to do a comparison.

Thank you,

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