Summer X-rays at the NSLS The PXRR operates five beamlines at the NSLS: Two of these are the undulator beamlines X25 and X29. The dipole beamlines X12-B and X12-C are available, and are very effective for conventional crystallography. There are efficient ALS-Style Automounters available -- 8400 crystals mounted in the last 12 months. Also, at beamline X26-C, we have a unique-in-the-US station for combined x-ray diffraction and single-crystal optical spectroscopies: Notice also our world-leading Mail-In crystallography program: You may request access to any of these here:, and can look at the schedules for all five here: Stay tuned for the announcement in December of RapiData, our annual course in rapid data collection and structure solving: Bob Sweet ========================================================================= Robert M. Sweet E-Dress: [email protected] Group Leader, PXRR: Macromolecular ^ (that's L Crystallography Research Resource at NSLS not 1) Biology Dept Brookhaven Nat'l Lab. Phones: Upton, NY 11973 631 344 3401 (Office) U.S.A. 631 344 2741 (Facsimile) =========================================================================