Command line arguments: --bins=1 ./4-8-(GlcNAc)5/ Note: Intensity array has been converted to an amplitude array. Summary 1 Miller array info: 4-8-(GlcNAc)5/,SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-) Observation type: xray.amplitude Type of data: double, size=43869 Type of sigmas: double, size=43869 Number of Miller indices: 43869 Anomalous flag: True Unit cell: (56.573, 73.781, 89.414, 90, 90, 90) Space group: P 21 21 21 (No. 19) Systematic absences: 0 Centric reflections: 3006 Resolution range: 31.6787 1.91132 Completeness in resolution range: 0.783333 Completeness with d_max=infinity: 0.783193 Anomalous completeness in resolution range: 0.599544 Bijvoet pairs: 15786 Lone Bijvoet mates: 9291 Mean anomalous difference: 0.0671 Space group of the intensities: P 2 2 2 Space group of the metric: P m m m Tolerance used in the determination of the lattice symmetry: 3 degrees Possible twin laws: None Completeness of 4-8-(GlcNAc)5/,SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-): unused: - 31.6830 [ 0/9 ] 0.000 bin 1: 31.6830 - 1.9113 [28083/29673] 0.946 unused: 1.9113 - [ 0/0 ] Patterson peaks for 4-8-(GlcNAc)5/,SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-): Fractional coordinates Height Distance from origin 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 198.346 0.000 -0.0000 0.0634 0.0000 9.011 4.680 0.0333 0.0583 0.0000 8.773 4.699 0.0444 0.0500 0.0139 6.906 4.634 Perfect merohedral twinning test for 4-8-(GlcNAc)5/,SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-): /()^2 (2.0 for untwinned, 1.5 for twinned data) ()^2/ (0.785 for untwinned, 0.885 for twinned data) See also: unused: - 31.6830 [ 0/2 ] bin 1: 31.6830 - 5.9263 [1537/1544] 2.4201 0.7549 bin 2: 5.9263 - 4.7089 [1671/1672] 2.1869 0.7652 bin 3: 4.7089 - 4.1151 [1672/1686] 2.0602 0.7783 bin 4: 4.1151 - 3.7395 [1681/1706] 2.1011 0.7793 bin 5: 3.7395 - 3.4718 [1702/1740] 1.8832 0.7906 bin 6: 3.4718 - 3.2673 [1730/1732] 2.1543 0.7783 bin 7: 3.2673 - 3.1039 [1722/1726] 2.1723 0.7773 bin 8: 3.1039 - 2.9689 [1759/1760] 2.1246 0.7865 bin 9: 2.9689 - 2.8546 [1729/1748] 2.0379 0.7997 bin 10: 2.8546 - 2.7562 [1702/1760] 2.0832 0.7785 bin 11: 2.7562 - 2.6701 [1741/1754] 2.1129 0.7756 bin 12: 2.6701 - 2.5938 [1726/1756] 1.9589 0.7972 bin 13: 2.5938 - 2.5255 [1715/1764] 2.0460 0.7838 bin 14: 2.5255 - 2.4639 [1689/1768] 2.0133 0.7725 bin 15: 2.4639 - 2.4079 [1640/1794] 2.0351 0.7749 bin 16: 2.4079 - 2.3567 [1567/1752] 2.0819 0.7693 bin 17: 2.3567 - 2.3096 [1501/1794] 1.9758 0.7777 bin 18: 2.3096 - 2.2660 [1330/1752] 2.1823 0.7164 bin 19: 2.2660 - 2.2255 [ 784/1796] 2.9568 0.5396 bin 20: 2.2255 - 2.1878 [1150/1746] 2.1868 0.6964 bin 21: 2.1878 - 2.1525 [1145/1800] 2.0274 0.7720 bin 22: 2.1525 - 2.1194 [1064/1788] 1.9434 0.7672 bin 23: 2.1194 - 2.0883 [1041/1780] 2.0206 0.7574 bin 24: 2.0883 - 2.0589 [ 971/1780] 1.7667 0.8173 bin 25: 2.0589 - 2.0310 [ 964/1792] 2.1210 0.7233 bin 26: 2.0310 - 2.0047 [ 941/1798] 2.0437 0.7630 bin 27: 2.0047 - 1.9796 [ 884/1784] 1.9823 0.7591 bin 28: 1.9796 - 1.9558 [ 836/1754] 2.3552 0.6827 bin 29: 1.9558 - 1.9330 [ 774/1806] 1.9806 0.7071 bin 30: 1.9330 - 1.9113 [ 495/1828] 4.0399 0.3388 unused: 1.9113 - [ 0/0 ] average: 2.1685 0.7427 Anomalous signal of 4-8-(GlcNAc)5/,SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-): Get the anomalous signal according to this formula: .. math:: \sqrt{\dfrac{<||F(+)|-|F(-)||^2>}{\frac{1}{2} (<|F(+)|>^2 + <|F(-)|>^2)}} :param use_binning: If 'True' the anomalous signal will be calculated for each bin of the data set individually :type use_binning: boolean :returns: the anomalous signal :rtype: float or cctbx.miller.binned_data unused: - 31.6830 [ 0/10 ] 0.0000 bin 1: 31.6830 - 1.9113 [43869/56003] 0.0671 unused: 1.9113 - [ 0/0 ] 0.0000 Observed measurabilities of 4-8-(GlcNAc)5/,SIGI(+),I(-),SIGI(-): Fraction of reflections for which (:math:`\dfrac{|\Delta I|}{\sigma_{dI}}` > 3 and :math:`min(\dfrac{I_{+}}{\sigma_{+}},\dfrac{I_{-}}{\sigma_{-}})` > 3 unused: - 31.6830 [ 0/10 ] bin 1: 31.6830 - 1.9113 [43869/56003] 0.0265 unused: 1.9113 - [ 0/0 ] ===============================================================================