Hi Ursula,
I am refining a 2.0 A structure in Phenix using mostly the graphical interface. The maps are very good and the R factors are low (0.208/0.173). But the geometry is not so great with bond deviations of 0.208 and Angle deviations of 1.85. What is the best thing to do to try to improve the geometry. Should I try to optimize the weights?
the R-factors seem good indeed. Yes, Although the angle deviations seem ok to me, I'm concerned about the bond deviations... Yes, you can try two things: - increase the restraints strength by increasing the corresponding weight: from the command line: "wc=VALUE", where VALUE is a number somewhat larger than 1.0; from the GUI: Refinement settings -> All parameters -> Refinement target weights... -> Stereochemistry weight scale - Run automatic weight optimization (note, this may take a while to run): from the command line: use keyword: "optimize_wxc=true"; from the GUI: Refinement settings -> All parameters -> Refinement target weights... -> Optimize X-ray/stereochemistry weight Alternatively, you can send me your PDB and data file and I will tell you what exactly is not right and how to fix it. Pavel.