On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 7:59 AM,
Could someone help me with a program/tool to see the pattern of protein packing in the crystal. I would like to make comparative study between regions of the protein in two different chains and if crystal packing has some effect on conformational alteration.
I always found PyMOL most useful for this - if you have a PDB file with symmetry records loaded, this command will generate all symmetry copies within 20 Angstroms: symexp s = my_object, my_object, 20 Increase the radius to view more of the lattice. I believe Coot does something smarter where it only draws molecules in range (Draw menu->Cell and Symmetry, then click "Symmetry by molecule"). This is probably better for interactive visualization - the only drawback is that you can't easily save the symmetry copies to a file, or make pretty pictures. -Nat