Dear Kay, Thank you for acknowledging in your message the huge amount of work that Clemens has carried out to characterise and document the numerous and diverse problematic aspects of the results produced by the BUILT=20240723 of XDS Version 20240630, starting in late July. Interested readers of the phenixbb will find a detailed record of this investigation (mostly in the form of a comparison between that "NEW" version and the "OLD" 20240630 version, using both autoPROC and plain XDS) on the autoPROC Wiki page: https://www.globalphasing.com/autoproc/wiki/index.cgi?ComparisonProcessing20... This page is being updated with the results emerging "as we speak" from extending that comparison to the improved BUILT=20241002 of the 20240630 version announced in your message. With best wishes, Gerard. -- On Thu, Oct 03, 2024 at 06:29:48AM -0000, [email protected] wrote:
Dear XDS users in the Phenix community,
as reported by users, and confirmed in a larger-scale comparison by GlobalPhasing, the BUILT=20240723 of XDS Version 20240630 leads to problems for some datasets when compared with (the expired) XDS Version 20230630. (it may be better than the 20230630 version for other datasets!).
An improved BUILT=20241002 of the 20240630 version is available (all platforms) from https://xds.mr.mpg.de/html_doc/downloading.html for non-commercial (academic) users (commercial users have their own arrangements). In my/our testing, it is at least as good as version 20230630, and often better. Please install and use this instead of BUILT=20240723. If you still find deficiencies, please contact me or Wolfgang Kabsch - but be prepared to share the raw data (confidentially, of course).
To enable comparisons, the old XDS version 20230630 was re-released for Linux by Wolfgang Kabsch with expiration date 2025-Mar-31; the link to its XDS_old.tar.gz is at https://xds.mr.mpg.de/ .
Best wishes, Kay _______________________________________________ phenixbb mailing list -- [email protected] To unsubscribe send an email to [email protected] Unsubscribe: phenixbb-leave@%(host_name)s
-- =============================================================== * * * Gerard Bricogne [email protected] * * * * Global Phasing Ltd. * * Sheraton House, Castle Park Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 * * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 * * * ===============================================================