I think you may need to upgrade your version of PHENIX. In the current
version, the periodicity is 3. I have recently been using eLBOW, the
Chemical Components library and the Monomer Library to improve any
residue restraints that have short comings. These are freely available
at Source Forge from a project called GeoStd at
Its included in more recent PHENIX versions in $PHENIX/chem_data/geostd
On 9/28/09 11:45 AM, Joe Krahn wrote:
I found that residue TRS has different dihedral target angles for the
three hydroxyl oxygens, which are actually all equivalent. They have a
periodicity of 1, but should have a periodicity of 3. What is the best
way to handle such discrepancies?
Most ligand parameters are probably auto-generated based on a reference
structure, and there is probably a lot of conformation bias. In this
case, it seems that parameterization should have been able to detect
symmetry. It would be nice if parameters could include information about
whether a human has done any validation. Actually, a ligand Wiki might
be nice, where people can easily put comments, even if they are not sure
about how to improve the parameters.
Joe Krahn
phenixbb mailing list
[email protected]