I've used the phenix.refine with its detwin function. Is there any way to have a detwinned data output so that I can use it for other things. I tried use CCP4 detwin with the same twin law and twin fraction obtained from Phenix. However, this didn't work.
I hope Peter will comment on this.
Another question is whether I can use "some" phase information, say from DM into Phenix? I tried to include the PHIDM but Phenix complained about it saying "wrong array".
phenix.refine needs Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients. Often they are called HA,HB,HC,HD. I'm not sure if DM produces Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients, but it seems highly likely. You should be able to simply give the DM file with the Hendrickson-Lattman coefficients to phenix.refine; it should pick the arrays automatically. If your Fobs and R-free flags are also in the DM file (in addition to the original data file), phenix.refine may prompt you to specify which copy you want. Then add one of the phenix.refine suggestions to the phenix.refine command line. Ralf