4 Dec
4 Dec
7:12 a.m.
Hi Morten, no, it's not yet there. A phenix.refine run outputs anomalous difference map, or you can use phenix.maps for this. This map will show the peaks you are interested in. Although I see how formatting this information as a PDB file may be somewhat helpful, I wasn't seeing it as the highest priority and so it's still pending in the list of things to do. I do not know what it takes to do the analogous job using ccp4, so can't really comment on this. Pavel. On 12/3/10 12:44 PM, Morten Grøftehauge wrote:
Dear Pavel,
Is this in? I wanted to do an anomalous peak search in a way that was faster than the CCP4 route but it doesn't seem to be available.
Sincerely, Morten Grøftehauge