TEXTAL expects map in X-PLOR format but what kind of map?
One can make a number of different maps in CCP4 (simple, mFo-nFc, etc.). Which
type make TEXTAL happy?

Textal can deal with simple maps, back-transformed (Fc), and 2Fo-Fc maps.
One can also make such maps with phenix.refine, textal.makemap, or various
map-making tasks in the phenix GUI

Just to mention: if you run the command
% phenix.refine data.mtz model.pdb
by default it will perform some model refinement (3 macro-cycles) and will write out two maps mFo-DFc and 2mFo-DFc in XPLOR format.

If you don't want any refinement to be performed, just type:
% phenix.refine data.mtz model.pdb main.number_of_macro_cycles=1 main.refine_site=false main.refine_adp_individual=false
this will do the anisotropic scaling, bulk solvent modeling, calculation of m and D, and finally writing out two maps mFo-DFc and 2mFo-DFc.

For more info and options look phenix.refine documentation at http://www.phenix-online.org/download/cci_apps/

Thanks for your questions,