---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: abhishek dey <[email protected]> Date: 29 July 2010 21:27 Subject: autobuild failure To: [email protected] Dear all, I am facing some problem while running the Autobuild option for PHENIX-1.6-289 version. I uploaded the mtz file, sequence of my protein and the pdb file and started running AUTOBUILD. but the program stopped with the following error message SG: P 2 21 21 Cell: [49.539999999999999, 99.140000000000001, 144.41999999999999, 90.0, 90.0, 90.0] Inverse hand of space group: P 2 21 21 Creating sg entry from /data/dey/2779/rv2779p22121_sort2.mtz Unit cell: (49.54, 99.14, 144.42, 90, 90, 90) Space group: P 2 21 21 (No. 18) Space group name is: P 2 21 21 symbol is: p22121 **************************************** AutoBuild Input failed Need a symfile for solve .the working spacegroup is P 2 21 21 it will be helpful if someone give useful suggestion on this. thanks in advance -- Abhishek Dey