Christian It, I believe, is a misleading message from the data file reader. It's basically found an empty file. Are all of the files you supplied non-empty? If not, the MR-Rosetta is creating an empty file. Can we have the input files? Send them directly, not to the list. Cheers Nigel NB. Any files sent to me will be held in strictest confidence. --- Nigel W. Moriarty Building 64R0246B, Physical Biosciences Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley, CA 94720-8235 Phone : 510-486-5709 Email : [email protected] Fax : 510-486-5909 Web : On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 9:25 AM, Christian Roth < [email protected]> wrote:
Hi phenix developers,
I started a Rosetta MR run with a model pdb and the target sequence file. It seems that the initial MR run went fine and the Rebuilding Job for the best MR solution started. A sequence alignment is shown in the log file and than the job stops suddenly with the message
Sorry: mmcif file must contain at least one data block. I can't even find a mmcif file in one of the folders. Any idea what might went wrong.
Thanks in advance for your help.
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