Dear Phenix BB When I tried to install the latest binary version (1.6.1), the "install" script always stopped and dumped an error message as follows: ----- /software/PHENIX/phenix-installer-1.6.1-357/bin/install-from-binary: line 347: 10964 Floating point exception$PHENIX_BUILD/base/bin/python $PHENIX_LOC/cctbx_project/libtbx/configure.py -- current_working_directory="$PHENIX_BUILD" $PHENIX_COMPONENTS >> $PHENIX_LOG/binary.log 2>&1 Error configuring: see /software/PHENIX/phenix-installer-1.6.1-357/ build-binary/intel-linux-2.6-x86_64/lupus/log/binary.log for details ----- And this "binary.log" file looks like this; ========== . . After many lines... . ./reduce/comment_out_carboxylate_H_v2.3.pl ./reduce/Makefile ./reduce/libtbx_refresh.py ========== This never happened when I installed version 1.6-289. Could anybody out there tell me how I can get around this? Or anything important is missing? The system I'm using is: Linux crux #1 SMP Mon Jul 28 12:55:32 UTC 2008 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 (x86_64) VERSION = 10 PATCHLEVEL = 2 Thank you very much for your help in advance! Best regards, kami Tatsuya KAMINISHI, Ph.D. Fucini Laboratory Institute for Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Max-von-Laue-Strasse 7, N160/B413 D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Tel: +49 69 798-29165 Fax: +49 69 798-29268 Web: http://user.uni-frankfurt.de/~joharms/akfucini/