Everyone has a favorite distro, and they all work, but if you go with RHEL (or CentOS and the like), you'll experience a very smooth transition from FC3. Things will look and feel pretty much the same as on your old machine, just faster. RHEL is the most boring distro, no eye candy and no fanciness, and that's why I love it. Everything works and you have to upgrade only every two years or so. Andreas (Redhat forever since 1999) On 11/12/2013 9:19, Todd Jason Green wrote:
Hello All-
I have used a trusty box running fedora core 3 for nearly a decade and I am (finally) upgrading to a new workstation. In lieu of Nat's recent mention of new linux installers of phenix, I thought I would try to get a consensus on what linux flavor(s), I should consider installing on my new box. It will be used with emphasis on typical crystallography software including 3D graphics (3 GB NVIDIA Quadro K4000 card). If anyone would like to make a suggestion for an OS, I thank you in advance. Pointers to a web review can work too.
Best- Todd
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-- Andreas Förster Crystallization and Xray Facility Manager Centre for Structural Biology Imperial College London