Hello phenixbb, In general should one optimize wxc and wxu ONLY as a final polishing step or can this be done earlier in the refinement and then the optimized values used for subsequent rounds of refinement? If so which values in the log file should be written into the .def file and where? Here is a snippit from my def file after I optimized weights and changed the optimize flags back to False: target_weights { mode = *automatic every_macro_cycle wxc_scale = 0.5 wxu_scale = 1 wc = 1 wu = 1 fix_wxc = None fix_wxu = None optimize_wxc = False bonds_rmsd_max = 0.05 angles_rmsd_max = 3.5 optimize_wxu = False shake_sites = True shake_adp = 10 regularize_ncycles = 50 verbose = 1 wnc_scale = 0.5 wnu_scale = 1 rmsd_cutoff_for_gradient_filtering = 3 } Thanks, Scott ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scott Classen, Ph.D. SIBYLS Beamline 12.3.1 http://bl1231.als.lbl.gov Advanced Light Source Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Rd MS6R2100 Berkeley, CA 94720 C) 510.206.4418 O) 510.495.2697 Beamline) 510.495.2134 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~