Hi,Dear all, Maybe it's a simple question for you,because I am a beginner in crystallography. Recently I deposited a structure in the pdb and got a reply bellow. "The deposited structure factor file is incomplete. We failed convert the deposited mtz file to cif format. Please send me the correct SF file including h, k, l, F, SigmaF (and/or I and SigmaI)and test flags as an attachment." The mtz file I uploaded is map_coeffs.mtz after refinement.The column lables are listed. type column lable H H H K H L F 2FOFCWT P PH2FOFCWT F 2FOFCWT_no_fill P PH2FOFCWT_no_fill F FOFCWT P PHFOFCWT So how can I get the parameters for deposition in PHENIX? Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thank you very much. Qiang Liu