Dear Phenixer, When I used Sculptor to generate a new model, there is a error which I can not figure out. I input a PDB file (*.pdb) and an alignment file (*.aln). The following is the log file (contents in ######). There seems something wrong with the *.aln file. ################# Reading PDB file ---------------- File name: **/**/******/******/**.pdb Separating solvent from macromolecules... Reading alignment files ----------------------- 1. **/**/**.aln ##################### The following is the content of the alignment file: **_** MVYSYTEKKRIRKDFGKRPQVLDVPYLLSIQLDSFQKFIEQDPEGQY----GLEAAFRSV **_** ---------MEIKRFGRIREVIPLPPLTEIQVESYRRALQADVPPEKRENVGIQAAFRET * **: :*: :* * .**::*::: :: * : *::****.. What is the problem with the alignment file? Thank you in advance! Fish