But why should she get nice fit in the electron density? Or is it a negative density?
Best, Partha
Dear William,
Many thanks for your two messages.
I checked the cif file, but the loop you refer to seems in place already (see below).
Mmhhh... There's something odd, then...
Thanks a lot,
# electronic Ligand Builder and Optimisation Workbench (eLBOW)
# - a module of PHENIX version 1.3b (Mon Jun 6 22:55:00 2007)
# - file written: Thu Aug 2 14:49:23 2007
# Input file: segid-2.pdb
# Residue: PHX
PHX PHX 'Unknown ' ligand 22 13 .
PHX CAC C CR16 . 13.9538 -10.3993 6.8808
PHX CAB C CR16 . 15.0367 -11.4813 7.0721
PHX CAM C CR16 . 14.9147 -12.5028 8.2295
PHX CAQ C CR16 . 13.7050 -12.4381 9.1959
PHX CAR C CR16 . 12.6223 -11.3562 9.0050
PHX CAN C CR6 . 12.7430 -10.3358 7.8459
PHX CAO C CR5 . 11.6707 -9.2579 7.6598
PHX NAD N N . 10.4286 -9.3881 6.8360
PHX OAS O O . 11.6809 -7.9102 8.2672
PHX CAT C CR5 . 10.4761 -7.2253 7.8562
PHX OAU O OH1 . 10.1162 -5.9143 8.1993
PHX CAE C CR5 . 9.6961 -8.1577 6.9389
PHX CAF C CH3 . 8.3597 -7.8438 6.2545
PHX 1HAC H HCR6 . 14.0395 -9.6867 6.0738
PHX 1HAB H HCR6 . 15.8795 -11.5269 6.3982
PHX 1HAM H HCR6 . 15.6722 -13.2611 8.3626
PHX 1HAQ H HCR6 . 13.6198 -13.1509 10.0028
PHX 1HAR H HCR6 . 11.7797 -11.3111 9.6790
PHX 1HAU H HOH1 . 10.7354 -5.5720 9.0154
PHX 1HAF H HCH3 . 7.6140 -7.6236 7.0041
PHX 2HAF H HCH3 . 8.4797 -6.9898 5.6044
PHX 3HAF H HCH3 . 8.0439 -8.6972 5.6728
PHX CAC CAB aromatic 1.54271 0.02
PHX CAC CAN aromatic 1.54966 0.02
PHX CAB CAM aromatic 1.54858 0.02
PHX CAM CAQ aromatic 1.54968 0.02
PHX CAQ CAR aromatic 1.54248 0.02
PHX CAR CAN aromatic 1.54898 0.02
PHX CAN CAO aromatic 1.53182 0.02
PHX CAO NAD aromatic 1.49616 0.02
PHX CAO OAS aromatic 1.47827 0.02
PHX NAD CAE aromatic 1.43567 0.02
PHX OAS CAT aromatic 1.44556 0.02
PHX CAT OAU single 1.40213 0.02
PHX CAT CAE aromatic 1.52286 0.02
PHX CAE CAF single 1.53391 0.02
PHX 1HAC CAC single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 1HAB CAB single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 1HAM CAM single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 1HAQ CAQ single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 1HAR CAR single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 1HAU OAU single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 1HAF CAF single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 2HAF CAF single 1.08000 0.02
PHX 3HAF CAF single 1.08000 0.02
PHX CAM CAB CAC 120.00226 3.0
PHX 1HAB CAB CAC 119.99926 3.0
PHX CAR CAN CAC 119.99532 3.0
PHX CAO CAN CAC 120.01025 3.0
PHX CAN CAC CAB 119.99792 3.0
PHX 1HAC CAC CAB 119.98327 3.0
PHX CAQ CAM CAB 120.00300 3.0
PHX 1HAM CAM CAB 119.99851 3.0
PHX 1HAB CAB CAM 119.99846 3.0
PHX CAR CAQ CAM 120.00313 3.0
PHX 1HAQ CAQ CAM 119.99800 3.0
PHX 1HAM CAM CAQ 119.99846 3.0
PHX CAN CAR CAQ 119.99812 3.0
PHX 1HAR CAR CAQ 119.98303 3.0
PHX 1HAQ CAQ CAR 119.99886 3.0
PHX CAO CAN CAR 119.99302 3.0
PHX 1HAC CAC CAN 120.01880 3.0
PHX 1HAR CAR CAN 120.01881 3.0
PHX NAD CAO CAN 125.92889 3.0
PHX OAS CAO CAN 125.92913 3.0
PHX CAE NAD CAO 108.02831 3.0
PHX CAT OAS CAO 108.01854 3.0
PHX OAS CAO NAD 108.14161 3.0
PHX CAT CAE NAD 107.85309 3.0
PHX CAF CAE NAD 126.00891 3.0
PHX OAU CAT OAS 125.96613 3.0
PHX CAE CAT OAS 107.94483 3.0
PHX 1HAU OAU CAT 109.51845 3.0
PHX CAF CAE CAT 126.13638 3.0
PHX CAE CAT OAU 126.04431 3.0
PHX 1HAF CAF CAE 109.48685 3.0
PHX 2HAF CAF CAE 109.48663 3.0
PHX 3HAF CAF CAE 109.47785 3.0
PHX 2HAF CAF 1HAF 109.46544 3.0
PHX 3HAF CAF 1HAF 109.45527 3.0
PHX 3HAF CAF 2HAF 109.45527 3.0
PHX CONST_01 CAQ CAM CAB CAC -0.01362 0.0 0
PHX CONST_02 CAQ CAR CAN CAC -0.18631 0.0 0
PHX CONST_03 CAR CAN CAC CAB 0.17134 0.0 0
PHX CONST_04 CAR CAQ CAM CAB -0.00134 0.0 0
PHX CONST_05 CAN CAC CAB CAM -0.07140 0.0 0
PHX CONST_06 CAN CAR CAQ CAM 0.10130 0.0 0
PHX CONST_07 CAT CAE NAD CAO - 0.53152 0.0 0
PHX CONST_08 CAE CAT OAS CAO -1.18961 0.0 0
PHX CONST_09 CAT OAS CAO NAD 0.87457 0.0 0
PHX CONST_10 OAS CAT CAE NAD 1.08244 0.0 0
PHX CONST_11 CAE NAD CAO OAS - 0.19123 0.0 0
PHX Var_01 NAD CAO CAN CAC 90.70628 30.0 0
PHX Var_02 OAS CAO CAN CAC -89.54171 30.0 0
PHX Var_03 NAD CAO CAN CAR -89.72740 30.0 0
PHX Var_04 OAS CAO CAN CAR 90.02460 30.0 0
PHX plan-1 CAC 0.020
PHX plan-1 CAB 0.020
PHX plan-1 CAM 0.020
PHX plan-1 CAQ 0.020
PHX plan-1 CAR 0.020
PHX plan-1 CAN 0.020
PHX plan-1 1HAC 0.050
PHX plan-1 1HAB 0.050
PHX plan-1 1HAM 0.050
PHX plan-1 1HAQ 0.050
PHX plan-1 1HAR 0.050
PHX plan-1 CAO 0.050
PHX plan-2 CAT 0.020
PHX plan-2 CAE 0.020
PHX plan-2 NAD 0.020
PHX plan-2 CAO 0.020
PHX plan-2 OAS 0.020
PHX plan-2 OAU 0.050
PHX plan-2 CAF 0.050
PHX plan-2 CAN 0.050
Claudia Scotti
Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale
Sezione di Patologia Generale
Universita' di Pavia
Piazza Botta, 10
27100 Pavia
Tel. 0039 0382 986335/8/1
Facs 0039 0382 303673 ----------------------------------------> Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2007 07:03:34 -0700> From: wgscott@chemistry.ucsc.edu> To: phenixbb@phenix-online.org> CC: phenixbb@phenix-online.org > Subject: Re: [phenixbb] "Aromatic" question>> Oh, the other thing I noticed, when I made 5-bromo-uracil (5BU), was that> elbow.builder failed to put in planar restraints at the bottom of the cif> file. I had to do this manually, or the ring looked puckered. Fortunately> it was fairly easy to do:>> loop_> _chem_comp_plane_atom.comp_id> _chem_comp_plane_atom.plane_id> _chem_comp_plane_atom.atom_id> _chem_comp_plane_atom.dist_esd> 5BU plan N1 0.020> 5BU plan C2 0.020> 5BU plan O2 0.020> 5BU plan N3 0.020> 5BU plan C4 0.020> 5BU plan O4 0.020> 5BU plan C5 0.020> 5BU plan C6 0.020> 5BU plan C1* 0.020> 5BU plan H3 0.020> 5BU plan BR 0.020> 5BU plan H6 0.020>> This keeps the six membered ring and the exocyclic functional groups (two> keto oxygens and one Br atom) constrained to a plane.>> Claudia Scotti wrote:>>>> Dear list,>>>> I've refined a protein at 2.0 A resolution with its ligand, a small>> molecule which includes a phenyl group. For this, I used elbow to generate>> the cif file, and in this file the atoms of the phenyl ring are correctly>> defined as "aromatic". However, the pdb output of the refinement shows a>> boat configuration for the 6 carbon atoms ring, with a very nice fit to>> the electron density. This would suggest a flexible cyclohexyl->> substituent instead of the expected, typically planar phenyl ring.>>>> As my chemistry is poor, I'd really need some suggestions on where I'm>> wrong: did I give the wrong cif file or does phenix recognise a better>> fitting in a boat structure, indicating that my ligand phenyl moiety has>> been reduced somehow to a cyclohexyl one? Or is the aromatic ring of the>> phenyl group not so planar as I've supposed it to be until now?>>>> Any help would be very appreciated.>>>> Many many thanks,>>>> Claudia>>>>>>>> Claudia Scotti>> Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimental!
e>> Sezi
one di Patologia Generale>> Universita' di Pavia>> Piazza Botta, 10>> 27100 Pavia>> Italia>> Tel. 0039 0382 986335/8/1>> Facs 0039 0382 303673>>>> _________________________________________________________________>> Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger >> http://imagine-msn.com/messenger/launch80/default.aspx?locale=en-us&source=wlmailtagline>> _______________________________________________>> phenixbb mailing list>> phenixbb@phenix-online.org>> http://www.phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb>>> _______________________________________________> phenixbb mailing list> phenixbb@phenix-online.org> http://www.phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb
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