Hi all, As is inevitable with any new software, I've received reports of installation problems. For those affected, please accept my apologies. Known issues and their resolution are below - if you run into any others, please do let me know. - Users of RedHat/CentOS 7 will have encountered an error something like the following: ImportError: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by /home/tic20/.local/share/ChimeraX/0.8/site-packages/chimerax/clipper/clipper_python.cpython-36m-x86_64-linux-gnu.so) I've uploaded an updated, RedHat 7-compatible build of ChimeraX-Clipper. Please do try reinstalling now. - If you encounter a UnicodeDecode error on installation of ISOLDE and/or a KeyError: "ChimeraX_Clipper" on starting ChimeraX, these are issues with the ChimeraX 0.8 release itself. Please see https://isolde.cimr.cam.ac.uk/faq/#installation on how to rectify them. Best regards, Tristan On 2019-01-22 23:39, Tristan Croll wrote:
Dear structural biology community,
I am very happy to announce that ISOLDE 1.0b2 is now available. All the details including documentation are available on the new ISOLDE website at https://isolde.cimr.cam.ac.uk, but the following is a short list of new features and improvements since ISOLDE 1.0b1:
- added support for Windows. ISOLDE is now available for all three major operating systems. - many usability and stability improvements. In particular, ISOLDE is now much more helpful when your starting model is not yet quite simulation-ready. - No more need to delete unparameterised residues from your model. You can now choose to have ISOLDE simply ignore them for simulation purposes. - Real-time smoothing of the trajectory visualisation to reduce thermal jitter. - Direct handling of real-space maps (no need to convert them to structure factors first). - Live recalculation of structure factors and crystallographic maps from F/sigF data as model coordinates change.
I do hope you find it useful.
Best regards,
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