Dear all,
Although Custom geometry restrains was added (see log). After
phenix refine, the link record was lost and there seem no bond
between this two atoms (1.44 angstrom).
Do you think this is a real bond? How to maintain this record?
Any comment is appreciated!
Best regards!
Data resolution: 2.4
Phenix version:v2.7
phenix refine log:
======================== Summary of geometry restraints
Number of disulfides: simple=1, symmetry=0
Simple disulfide: pdb=" SG CYS A 482 " - pdb=" SG CYS A
484 " distance=2.04
Custom bonds:
atom 1: "ATOM 1205 OG SER A 265 .*. O "
atom 2: "HETATM 3413 C23 AIX A 700 .*. C "
symmetry operation: x,y,z
distance_model: 1.339
distance_ideal: 1.330
ideal - model: -0.009
slack: 0.000
delta_slack: -0.009
sigma: 0.2000
Total number of custom bonds: 1
Time building geometry restraints manager: 0.20 seconds
pdb file LINK record:
LINK OG SER A 265 C23 AIX A 700
1555 1555
Lu Zuokun, Ph.D. Candidate
College of Life Science, Nankai