Berkeley Lab's Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division is looking for a Computational Biologist Postdoctoral Fellow to work in the Sauter group. We are seeking an algorithm developer for the increasingly complex analysis of large diffraction datasets in structural biology.  Current projects utilize XFEL crystallography and spectroscopy to investigate the photosynthetic mechanism of water splitting and to probe other metalloenzyme reactions.  We also wish to test whether diffuse scattering can reveal correlated atomic motions in crystals.  Many problems remain to be solved, including the details of how to optimally merge datasets from thousands of crystals.  Our software development projects (including packages such as DIALS and cctbx.xfel) have been highlighted in several high-impact publications listed HERE.


Candidates should have expertise in one or more computational techniques including, but not limited to, ray tracing to test underlying physical models of the diffraction, Bayesian approaches for refining model parameters, macromolecular modeling and refinement, neural networks for interpreting image features, as well as signal processing and denoising methods.  Extensive data analysis experience in crystallography or from more general bioimaging backgrounds are welcome. We particularly encourage strong mathematical intuition and a track record of bringing new ideas and tools to fruition, as evidenced through written publication and clear presentation.


Candidates should send an expression of interest, CV, and list of three references to Nick Sauter, Further details are posted at

Nicholas K. Sauter, Ph. D.
Computer Staff Scientist, Molecular Biophysics and Integrated Bioimaging Division
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
1 Cyclotron Rd., Bldg. 33R0345
Berkeley, CA 94720