On Sep 8, 2009, at 7:58 AM, Tom Terwilliger wrote:
You should probably add a step to keep and extend your freeR flags:
iotbx.r_free_flags_completion_simple exptl_fobs_freeR_flags.mtz 2.8
where exptl_fobs_freeR_flags.mtz is your refinement data file from your previous runs of autobuild (which contains your current set of freeR flags). This will produce a file with JUST the extended freeR flags. You can then combine this extended set of freeR flags with your hires file most easily with the reflection tools in the current PHENIX GUI. Then use that hires_file in autobuild.
I didn't know about this command until today - but it is now incorporated into the GUI reflection tools (phenix.reflection_file_editor), so you can do this all in one step starting with the next installer (1.4-160 and up). -Nat ------------------- Nathaniel Echols Lawrence Berkeley Lab 510-486-5136 [email protected]