Dear colleagues, I am refining a structure with phenix.refine (cci_apps 2007_08_18_1856). The strategy includes refinement of tls, individual_adp, and individual_sites (during the same run.) In order to test different restraints for ADP´s refinement, I have changed the value of the wxu_scale from the default. Yet, the value of the wxu_scale parameter is always automatically reset to the same value as indicated in the log file under the section "Automatic adjustment due to TLS refinement". That is, phenix.refine uses in all cases the same wxu_scale independently of the value I set in the definitions file. Of course, when TLS refinement is not done, the wxu_scale value remains as specified. I would appreciate if someone could indicate me how to modify the ADPs restraints when doing TLS refinement. Cheers Jose -- -------------------------------------------------- Jose M de Pereda, PhD Centro de Investigación del Cáncer Spanish National Research Council - U. Salamanca Campus Unamuno s/n E-37007 Salamanca, Spain Phone: +34-923-294819 Fax: +34-923-294795 http://xtal.cicancer.org/ -------------------------------------------------