Hello phenixers, I am refining a liganded structure at 2.1 and I am pretty far into my modeling. Rfree = .265 rwork= .20 My asu has 399 residues one prosthetic group (3178 atoms) and 236 HOH. I just want to do one last refinement round before submission and I am not sure about the strategy I should select as I am running into the following: I- If I refine individuals sites and real space (XYZ) and individual ADP with aniso/iso selection automatic my Rfree goes up slightly and Rwork drops to about .196. I also select optimize x-ray/ADp weight I should say. II- When I choose no XYZ refinement with anisotropic ADP for protein chain only with weight optimization Rwork plummets to 0.15 and Rfree also drops to 0.25. But my gap is now .10 !! I checked my log file and it looks like in default automatic individual ADP phenix.refine is picking all the residues to be anisotropic even though I would not try that at 2.1 A. Could someone point me in the right direction, there is probably something I am overlooking. Thank you -- Yuri Pompeu