======================================================================= PHENIX 1.24.1 Beta Release ======================================================================= On behalf of the PHENIX development team I am happy to announce that the next general release version of PHENIX is now available. Binary installers for Linux, SGI and Tru64 platforms are available at our download site: http://phenix-online.org/download/ Current users of PHENIX should upgrade to this most recent release version. To obtain download instructions visit: http://phenix-online.org/phenix_request/ Documentation for PHENIX is available at: http://phenix-online.org/download/documentation/phenix/ There is a PHENIX mailing list at: http://www.phenix-online.org/mailman/listinfo/phenixbb/ There is a PHENIX wiki at: http://www.phenix-online.org/phenix_wiki Please consult the installer README file or online documentation for installation instructions. This is a beta test version, and we therefore look forward to feedback and bug reports from users. Please direct questions and problem reports to: [email protected] and [email protected] Commercial users interested in obtaining access to PHENIX should visit the PHENIX website for information about the PHENIX Industrial Consortium: http://www.phenix-online.org/ This version of PHENIX has three main user interfaces: command-line tools, strategies and wizards. Wizards are available under the Wizard tab in the PHENIX GUI, and are designed to complete a complex structure determination process, making automatic decisions when possible, but prompting the user for additional information when necessary. Strategies are available under the Strategy tab in the PHENIX GUI, and are networks of tasks constructed to perform higher-level functions. Version 1.24.1b of PHENIX includes: Wizards (in the PHENIX GUI and from the command-line) ===================================================== - AutoSol - automated structure solution (from processed data to a first map and model) using HySS, SOLVE, RESOLVE, and phenix.refine. - AutoMR - automated molecular replacement, using PHASER. Followed by automated model rebuilding using the AutoBuild wizard. - AutoBuild - automated model building or rebuilding combined with structure refinement, using RESOLVE and phenix.refine. - AutoLig - automated ligand fitting into difference density maps using RESOLVE once a complete protein model is available. Strategies (in the PHENIX GUI) ============================== - Ligand screening against the top 200 ligands in the PDB, using RESOLVE. - Structure solution (MAD/SAD and SIR(AS)/MIR(AS)) combining HySS, SOLVE and RESOLVE. - Phase improvement using maximum likelihood methods in RESOLVE. - Model building using TEXTAL or RESOLVE. Command-line tools ================== - mmtbx.xtriage (comprehensive data quality assessment, including twin analysis) - iotbx.reflection_statistics (analysis of diffraction data) - mmtbx.fest (FA value calculation) - phenix.hyss (anomalous substructure determination) - textal.build (automated model building with TEXTAL) - elbow.builder (generation of ligand coordinates and restraints) - phenix.refine (automated structure refinement) - phenix.geometry_minimization (regularize a structure) - phenix.solve (solve) - phenix.resolve (resolve) - phenix.resolve_pattern (resolve_pattern) - iotbx.mtz.dump (write useful information about a MTZ file) - iotbx.pdb.hierarchy (write useful information about a PDB file) Citing PHENIX ============= If you use PHENIX for solving a structure please cite this publication: PHENIX: building new software for automated crystallographic structure determination P.D. Adams, R.W. Grosse-Kunstleve, L.-W. Hung, T.R. Ioerger, A.J. McCoy, N.W. Moriarty, R.J. Read, J.C. Sacchettini, N.K. Sauter and T.C. Terwilliger. Acta Cryst. D58, 1948-1954 (2002). PHENIX Developers ================= Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - Paul D. Adams - Pavel Afonine - Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve - Nigel W. Moriarty - Nicholas K. Sauter - Peter H. Zwart Los Alamos National Laboratory - Tom C. Terwilliger - Li-Wei Hung - Thiru Radhakannan University of Cambridge - Randy J. Read - Airlie J. McCoy - Laurent C. Storoni Texas A&M University - Jim C. Sacchettini - Tom R. Ioerger - Kresha Gopal - Lalji Kanbi - Erik McKee - Reetal K. Pai - Tod D. Romo - Jacob N. Smith Acknowledgements ================ We are very grateful to the following for making code or libraries available to us: - Alexei Vagin and Garib Murshudov for the CCP4 Monomer Library. - The CCP4 developers for making the MTZ library available to us. - Kevin Cowtan for contributing to the cctbx reciprocal space asymmetric units. - David Abrahams for developing the Boost.Python library. Funding ======= The development of PHENIX is principally funded through the Protein Structure Initiative of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH) under grant P01GM063210. For further information about the Protein Structure Initiative please visit: http://www.nigms.nih.gov/psi/ We also acknowledge the generous support of the members of the PHENIX Industrial Consortium. For more details please visit: http://www.phenix-online.org/ ======================================================================= PHENIX 1.24.1 Beta Release ======================================================================= -- ========================================================== | Paul Adams, | | Senior Staff Scientist, Physical Biosciences Division | | Head, Berkeley Center for Structural Biology | | Deputy PI, Berkeley Structural Genomics Center | |--------------------------------------------------------| | Building 64, Room 248 | Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, | | Tel: 510-486-4225 | 1 Cyclotron Road, | | FAX: 510-486-5909 | BLDG 64R0121, | | mailto:[email protected] | Berkeley, CA 94720, USA. | ==========================================================