Hello all, I have a question about the parameter definition for refinement groups (hope I picked the right term here). How does the definition and handling of refinement groups vary from the "refine.sites.rigid_body" scope to the "refine.adp.anisotropic" scope? For instance: refine { strategy = *individual_sites individual_sites_real_space *rigid_body \ *individual_adp group_adp tls *occupancies group_anomalous sites { individual = None torsion_angles = None rigid_body = chain A rigid_body = chain B } adp { individual { isotropic = None anisotropic = chain A anisotropic = chain B } would refine chains A and B as separate rigid groups, whereas only chain B would be refined anisotropically. Is this an intended behavior? BTW "anisotropic = chain A or chain B" refines both chains as expected. Cheers, Carsten