Dear Protein Crystallographers and Drug Discoverers
A reminder that we are again inviting proposals for performing
crystal-based fragment screening at Diamond's XChem facility at
beamline I04-1, for the next allocation period (April 2018 to
Sept 2018).
The deadline for proposals is NEXT SUNDAY 1st OCTOBER 5PM.
Details of how to submit at this page.
Full details of the facility
are available here. It supports the full
crystal-to-structure experiment, and since opening for users in
2015, it has hosted over 50 users from academia and industry,
with over 65 experiments (>50k crystals) consistently
yielding credible, high quality fragment hits. With the right
crystals, it'll keep you busy for less than a few weeks; and you
get lots of support and advice.
The calls are heavily oversubscribed, so please pay close
attention to the instructions and guidelines.