Thank Nathaniel. I am still confused. Do you intend me to copy and paste
the script that you included to a file called score.py. When I did that I
got the following error message
Syntax error: expected "=", found "__future__" (file "score.py", line 1)
Sorry: score.py is not a valid parameter file.
What are the inputs? I would think that at a minimum I would have to input
a pdb file, mtz file, fasta file, and an estimate for the rmsd.
Thanks again,
On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 6:03 PM, Nathaniel Echols
On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Jouko Virtanen
wrote: I would like to calculate the maximum-likelihood score given an input structure and an mtz file. How can I do that? Thanks in advance.
Do you just want the ML target function value, i.e. what phenix.refine prints out at regular intervals? In that case, you can use the script appended below (run with phenix.python score.py), which is derived from $PHENIX/cctbx_project/mmtbx/examples/simple_command_line_cc.py.
from __future__ import division import mmtbx.command_line import sys
def master_phil () : return mmtbx.command_line.generic_simple_input_phil()
def run (args, out=sys.stdout) : cmdline = mmtbx.command_line.load_model_and_data( update_f_part1_for="map", args=args, master_phil=master_phil(), out=out, process_pdb_file=False, create_fmodel=True) fmodel = cmdline.fmodel tf = fmodel.target_functor(compute_gradients=False) score = tf_r.target_work() print score
if (__name__ == "__main__") : run(sys.argv[1:])