Dear All, With the Phenix refine PDB and mtz file, I just prepared a "Table 1" for journal with Phenix. Here I find something special, which I hope I can get your advice. First, for the "Total reflections" and "Multiplicity", they are empty (no data given). Wil you please tell me why? Secondly, it writes, "Statistics for the highest-resolution shell are shown in parentheses". Suppose my crystal resolution is 2.5-45.6, then the the highest-resolution value should be 2.5, rather than 45.6, right? In addition, what is the diffrence between highest-resolution shell in the Table 1 and highest-resolution bin in the "Results" of Phenix refine? What is R-merge, R-meas,CC1/2 and CC*? I can get these data from MOSFLM output mtz file. But is my images were processe by HKL, which I have no experience, then how can I get the R-merge, R-meas,CC1/2 and CC*? I am looking forward to getting your reply. Smith